Misty Summers
EMID: 858732
Nottingham escort - 45+ - Caucasian
- State: Maryland
- City: Nottingham
- Preferred contact option: SMS
- Age: 45+
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Height: 5'11"-6'
- Tranny: No
- Piercings: No
- Smokes: No
- Hair color: Blonde
- Hair length: Long
- Hair Style: Straight
- Services: Escort, Massage
- Other services: Men
- Breast Size: 38
- Breast Cup: D
- Breast Appearance: Perfect
- Kitty: Trimmed
- Ass: Nice and Round
- Implants: Yes
- Body Type: Athletic
- Pornstar: Yes
- Punctuality: Yes
Quick Notes:
I just had what I considered my first bad review. 😭 although I think it was definitely taken out of proportion. but I do not want any more bad reviews, I take them very seriously. Therefore, I like what I like. The reason my reviews 99% of them will tell you my technique is second to none. And the reason I am good at it it's probably because I seriously love it. immensely!!!! So if you want a mind blowing experience I'm the one for you. Please give me a little bit of notice.
City tours:
Incall rates
- 15 Minutes: $75
- 30 Minutes: $100
- 60 Minutes: $200